CALYNORE LOGISTICS inspects all the vehicles which are sold through our 10 Days Money Back Guaratee. The inspectors will look at the exterior, interior, underneath the vehicle, under-the-hood compartment and will check all the documents of the vehicle.
CALYNORE LOGISTICS and its inspectors will do an optional test drive as part of the inspection process. By test driving the vehicle, the inspector will gain valuable information about the vehicle.
Experience tells us that although a car may look good on the outside, it may not have a history to match and poor maintenance in the past could lead to problems in the future… To avoid this, we undertake extensive checking prior to offering a car to you, including a full HPI background check, National Mileage Register Investigation, MOT history check (if relevant), current and previous owner/s footprint, historic service schedules and verification audits.We also perform an full inspection of the car (mechanically , electrically)